Last week I had the privilege of attending a worship conference at a church I do not normally attend. I felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit within the first hour of worship, and God spoke to me saying “Sing”. I said “but Lord”, and he said “Sing, I will be your voice.” I realized later that evening that it is Never too Late to use the gifts God has given us to their fullest potential; it does not matter if you are 5 or 75. We should Embrace the gifts that God has given us, so He may be glorified, and we may experience Joy to the fullest, in Christ our Lord and Savior. When the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, He was not just talking about my singing voice, but also my spiritual worship to Him, and the supernatural power it has in the battles of the spiritual realm. God’s spirit was not telling me to just sing, but to worship in song and praises on a constant basis, because this is what gives us victory over the enemy-More Worship, More Praise!!! The next day I could not stop singing praises to God, and I felt such peace, such Joy. Something happened to me at that worship conference, and it changed me. I was given a Confidence in God and the person he has created me to be, as well as a desire to serve Him to the fullest: giving 100% to Jesus. God showed me how precious the gift of worship is, and how powerful it is, and how it can bring down Generational curses and turn them into Generational Blessings.
A few days ago I sent my adult child a text message just letting them know that I love them and asking how things were going. He/she said they loved me too, and shared their excitement at finding the “Dances with Wolves” soundtrack CD that I had given him/her some time ago. He/she had misplaced it, and was So happy to find it because He/she Loves Beautiful Music. This Love of music is something my child and I have shared since they were an infant-all our lives, and it has made a strong bond between us. I text my child these same words, how we share this and that is what has created a strong closeness between us. My child text back that he/she did not know where they would be today without that closeness, that encouragement that I give them. He/she told me that “I inspired them, to keep going.’’ Then a second text came continuing with to LIVE in capital letters. In that moment my eyes were opened to the serious struggles my child had been through, and that even though I try to pray for my kids daily, I need to pray for them So Much More-More Prayer More Worship-There is no such thing as too much!!! My son has struggled with depression intermittently over the past decade-yet God’s grace has kept them safe.
I wish I could say I have been the perfect mother, but as much as I love my kids, I have made mistakes, but God’s grace has enabled me to show my children how Precious they are to me!!! If anyone here truly knew the entire story of my background, my upbringing, they would be Amazed or even shocked at how well my family has turned out. You see I come from two different backgrounds-one side of what you may call Generational Curse and the other side what you may phrase Generational Blessing. On my moms side there were 2 generations of strained or non-existent mother-daughter relationships, as well as alcohol/abuse. My father’s side had a long line of Godly women or Generational Blessing. My mom and her mom had an on again/off again relationship, and my grandmother did not even know her mom as her parents divorced when she was young and she was raised by her father and stepmother. Likewise my mother and I had the same type of relationship that she did with her mom, despite the fact that we loved each other deeply, and we both knew God. My father’s mother loved God and showed me unconditional love as her mother had shown her. My great grandmother Howe was "Mother of the Year", and Julia Ward Howe who penned the words to “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” is my ancestor. These strong woman of God and their fervent prayers have helped me overcome the strained relationships of my past, and embrace a loving and close future with my children and grandchildren. The generational curse has been broken over my lifetime-thanks be to God! What person has not been touched somewhere by the prayers of a Godly Woman. Shortly before my father passed away I spoke with him about happy memories he had growing up-He told me that Grandma Howe used to take care of him when he was younger and that he remembers going to church and being full of love for God, telling his grandmother that he was "going live his life for God” Then he broke out in tears saying,"I don’t know what happened, I used to love God so much.”
The time is Now!! It is not too late to embrace your gifts, to renew relationships with your loved ones, to pray more for your kids, to live more for God. Do not let Fears or “False Evidence Appearing Real” stop you from receiving every good thing God has for you. More Worship, more praise, more prayer, this is how we can change not only ourselves, but the entire world. I thank God for giving me the gift of song and worship-it has been a powerful tool in both my and my kids lives. My daughters and I love to sing praises to God, especially together. This gift of worship has healed my family, and created a closeness that is truly Supernatural. Now I sing songs of worship with my granddaughters as well. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”. John 15:8
Thank you God for my children, my grandchildren, and the privilege of being a mom! Yet, you do not have to be a mom to speak truth and light into younger peoples lives. A major part of the healing process for me has been the blessings other Godly Women, many who do Not have children of their own, have bestowed on me. Words of encouragement, small gifts, I have been blessed by nearly every woman in my current church this past year, and I am grateful. I appreciate the women who have blessed me, but also those who have blessed my own daughters, when I could not be there. Titus 2:3-5 “3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” If you are not encouraging others, you are missing out not only on a great opportunity, but also a great blessing!!
Now, now is the time to embrace who we are in Christ, to begin anew, and move towards all the blessings God has for us. Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Now is the time to Worship, now is the time to Praise, now is the time to Pray!!!
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